Californians Sage Erickson and Courtney Conlogue have spent the summer playing the age-old game of oneupmanship: whatever you can do, I can do better. The longtime friends and rivals -- a rivalry that dates back to their decorated amateur days -- once again faced off in Round Three of the Swatch Pro. The pair have been the most in-form surfers of the 2017 California leg of the Women's Championship Tour, trading victories at the previous two events, the Supergirl Pro and the US Open of Surfing. But if there was any question of a lingering post-US Open victory hangover for Erickson, her Round Three win over Conlogue and Frenchwoman Pauline Ado quickly dispelled any concerns about her head space. Erickson was the model of efficiency, opening the heat with her two highest scores, then coasted to victory. She'll skip straight to the Quarterfinals.