One of Waikiki's now perennial World Title threats, Kelis Kaleopa'a, held her composure under pressure for an Elimination Round win over wildcard Malia Ilaghan and moves into the Round of 16.
Bronte Macaulay talks requalification and what it would mean to get back to the Championship Tour.
One of Waikiki's now perennial World Title threats, Kelis Kaleopa'a, held her composure under pressure for an Elimination Round win over wildcard Malia Ilaghan and moves into the Round of 16.
Bronte Macaulay talks requalification and what it would mean to get back to the Championship Tour.
Two-time US Open champ, Kanoa Igarashi breaks down why he had so much success at competitions at the pier.
Long Beach, California's Nolan Rapoza talks what it's like representing his hometown and his determination to make it to the Championship
Australia's Sophie McCulloch is looking to make some noise.