Can local wildcard Kauli Vaast break through and take the win at the 2023 SHISEIDO Tahiti Pro pres by Outerknown?

Finals Day provided all the season-ending drama fans could want with dream runs from Caroline Marks and Jack Robinson ending in Tahitian
Can local wildcard Kauli Vaast break through and take the win at the 2023 SHISEIDO Tahiti Pro pres by Outerknown?
Finals Day provided all the season-ending drama fans could want with dream runs from Caroline Marks and Jack Robinson ending in Tahitian
The 2023 CT regular season is finished and Teahupo'o provided the platform for a dramatic climax with Caroline Marks and Jack Robinson
Relive all the heart-stopping action from the 2023 CT finale including battles for Final 5 clinching moments, mind-jarring performances,
Featuring Gabriel Medina, Caitlin Simmers, Jack Robinsons, Barron Mamiya, Leonardo Fioravanti, Seth Moniz, Yago Dora, Mihimana Braye, John