The Italian Leonardo Fioravanti threw caution to the wind with a clutch, buzzer-beating performance over Jordy Smith and moves straight into the Quarterfinals.

The current No. 4 Ethan Ewing turned in another impressive performance and earned a clutch Quarterfinal appearance to stay ahead of the
The Italian Leonardo Fioravanti threw caution to the wind with a clutch, buzzer-beating performance over Jordy Smith and moves straight into the Quarterfinals.
The current No. 4 Ethan Ewing turned in another impressive performance and earned a clutch Quarterfinal appearance to stay ahead of the
The powerhouse Ryan Callinan unleashed his forehand flair to accrue a 7.67 and overtake a dangerous Kanoa Igarashi to advance into the
The event wildcard and former Finalist Samuel Pupo reminds us why he was among the world's best after delivering a heavy blow to
Jadson Andre is a hero once again in Brazil after taking out World No. 1 Girffin Colapinto. Colapinto's dreams of clinching Final 5 will