Haleiwa's own, Shion Crawford, returned to his home break in decimating form in Round of 80, Heat 7, earning an excellent 8.53 and backing it up with a 7.77 at the Haleiwa Challenger, at Home in the Hawaiian Islands

Check out the full event pres. by First Hawaiian Bank and Mastercard recap with some of the event's best performances.
Haleiwa's own, Shion Crawford, returned to his home break in decimating form in Round of 80, Heat 7, earning an excellent 8.53 and backing it up with a 7.77 at the Haleiwa Challenger, at Home in the Hawaiian Islands
Check out the full event pres. by First Hawaiian Bank and Mastercard recap with some of the event's best performances.
The event presented by First Hawaiian Bank and Mastercard got kicked up a notch with near-perfection from the rising threat with a 17.50
A momentous conclusion to a The Hawaiian Islands HIC Haleiwa Pro QS 1000 crowned Zoe McDougall and Joshua Moniz its victors in pumping
Learning to surf at this very wave, Shion Crawford showed his ability to adapt and posted an 8.25 to smash his way into the Semifinals