Highlights: Carlos Bahia e Chloe Calmon vencem o Oi Longboard Pro. Assista aos melhores momentos das finais do Oi Longboard Pro - SP na Praia de Maresias, São Sebastião.
Top international longboarders converge to Portugal for the upcoming Longboard Pro Gaia.
WSL Latin America
Highlights: Carlos Bahia e Chloe Calmon vencem o Oi Longboard Pro. Assista aos melhores momentos das finais do Oi Longboard Pro - SP na Praia de Maresias, São Sebastião.
Top international longboarders converge to Portugal for the upcoming Longboard Pro Gaia.
Pressure rises as elimination Rounds 2 are disputed at the Jeep World Longboard Championship.
Antoine Delpero & Chloe Calmon take out the inaugural Longboard Pro Gaia in great conditions on final day of competition.
Semifinals of the Longboard Pro Vieux-Boucau decided in quality surf to launch the continent LQS tour.