Vasco Ribeiro matches power with power and puts a near-perfect combination of three backhand maneuvers for a 9.50 and the win in RD3 of the Azores Airlines Pro.

Competition resumed in beautiful conditions at the Azores Airlines Pro but was unfortunately cut short by gale-force winds.
Vasco Ribeiro matches power with power and puts a near-perfect combination of three backhand maneuvers for a 9.50 and the win in RD3 of the Azores Airlines Pro.
Competition resumed in beautiful conditions at the Azores Airlines Pro but was unfortunately cut short by gale-force winds.
With a stand-out performance from Marc Lacomare, the Azores Airlines Pro scored pristine Atlantic surfer to kick things off.
One last look back at the epic Deeply Pro Anglet action of the 2019 edition.
The 2019 Deeply Pro Anglet culminates with the victories of Andy Criere and Anat Lelior to wrap up an amazing event.