- WSL / MagicSeaWeed.com
- WSL / MagicSeaWeed.com

WSL Europe Qualifying Series Official forecaster magicseaweed.com has just released an update on the forecast for the Pro Zarautz this week.

Forecast Zarautz MSW #2 This update shows goos sign of a better swell for the weekend. - WSL / MagicSeaWeed.com

Below is a summary of the swell and wind activity over the next few days, for the full detailed forecast, please visit the Forecast tab on the event website.


Behind the challenging onshore winds and lack of swell that will run through the first few days there are good hints of an improvement for the weekend.

A swell already kicking up from the Greenland tip jet will run in building on Saturday and peaking on Sunday. Inconsistent at first it should bring waves in the chest high range with larger sets with good local conditions as the weekend progresses.

Light easterly winds during the mornings and the risk of onshore afternoon sea breezes as good springtime weather looks likely.

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